Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Send us a Temple Grandin

Last year, Paula and I watched Temple Grandin and were amazed how the perspective of an autistic woman changed the cattle industry.  Where convention proclaimed great wisdom and highly touted paradigms, the perspective of an outsider brought revolution.

I pray God will send us people who can look at what we do and challenge the very foundation of our practices and programs.  I am not looking for someone who has the newest way to do the same old thing.  I am asking for someone to see beyond what we do to what we need.  I desire a person who will challenge and stand up to the forces of the status quo.

Temple gained insight by watching how cattle moved through rows and gates.  She discerned the inner thoughts of cattle.  Her ideas were based upon the manner in which the cattle moved through the existing process.  Her paradigm shift transformed a scared animal into a cooperative cow.  She looked at participants and processes and preferred outcomes and divined a new way to do an old thing.

While I see a need for such vision, I also know that the system does not like change.  I have personally witnessed the the thumb applied to adherents of Orange.  I felt the skepticism of the "right-minded" when I ventured into the multi-generational church movement in the late 90's.  I have seen the scowling faces of those who know what works.  I have stopped talking even when I knew I was right because no one else would listen.  I have been there before.

God, give me eyes to see what you would have me see.  Give me the heart of a revolutionary.  Give me the hands of a craftsman.  Give me the mind of an inventor.  Give me the courage to stand up and the humility to shut up. 

Give me the insight of Temple Grandin.

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